As established in Law 15/1999, of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the data you provide us may be incorporated into files of ownership and responsibility of Virtus Environment S.L, The user is solely responsible for the veracity and correction of the data sent, which declines any responsibility for its lack of veracity or correction.
Virtus Environment S.L reserves the right to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudence criteria, industry practices, or interests of the entity. Any modification to it will be announced in advance, so that you have perfect knowledge of its contents.
RESPONSIBLE: The Controller of personal data is: Virtus Environment S.L, with registered office for this purpose at Edificio Vértice, C/Antonio López 249, 3ºA, 28041 Madrid. In case you want to contact us, you can go to the address indicated above, as well as to the Phone: (+34) 915444038 and Email:
PURPOSE OF TREATMENT: The purpose of the file is to facilitate the management and administration, for the provision of our services, to answer the questions and to attend to the suggestions that are raised through this means, all for the purpose of extending and improving the services offered.
RETENTION PERIOD: The personal data provided will be kept for the corresponding period to comply with the legal obligations, or its deletion is requested by the interested party and the data subject is entitled to do so.
LEGITIMATION: Virtus Environment S.L. is entitled to the processing of personal data, based on the consent granted by the data subject for one or more specific purposes, as set out in Article 6.1(a) of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data.
DESTINATIONS: The personal data collected through electronic forms and questionnaires or, where applicable, downloadable forms will not be transferred or communicated to third parties, except in the cases necessary for the development, control and fulfillment of the purpose expressed in the cases provided for by Law, as well as in specific cases, of which the User is expressly informed.
USER RIGHTS: The data subject of the personal data, in any case may exercise the rights that assist him, in accordance with the RGPD, and which are:
- Right to request access to personal data relating to the data subject,
- Right to request rectification or deletion,
- Right to request the limitation of your processing,
- Right to object to processing,
- Right to data portability.
The interested party may exercise such rights by request accompanied by a photocopy of his ID, and in which he will specify which of these requests is satisfied, sent to the address: Virtus Environment S.L., with registered office for this purpose at Edificio Vértice, C/Antonio López 249, 3ºA, 28041 Madrid.